Hey… You aren’t English

Being Australian, I’m sure we can all agree that the accent we most try to copy is that of our Pommy Motherland.  

Apparently, so do the Yanks.

We’ve all tried to sound English at least once in our lives; mimicking an English relative or friend, ( consciously and subconsciously, ) watching/ bagging some English sporting team, or not being able to help ourselves when Jamie Oliver dances onto the TV armed with a bottle of olive oil.  

The problem is that no matter how skilled a linguist, if you’re not ACTUALLY English, you invariably sound ridiculous. And it gets awkward when the person fails epically. Or doesn’t realize the joke is over.

Anyway here is a video of yours truly attempting to master the English Accent. This video was taken in a  friend’s car, at Falls Festival ’09 waiting for the crazy amount of traffic to subside so we could leave. Ignore the sunscreen and beanie…


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Filed under We Don't Belong, Well this is wierd...

One response to “Hey… You aren’t English

  1. I know some fabulous “English” lingo that I will be sure to use when I pop over to the UK on exchange later this year.

    Apparently the word


    ie. Your motorbike is so dangerous and safe. Let’s go for a ride.

    Love it??? Add a faux, albeit awkward accent and you are set!

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