Fence Sitting- Feral or Funny?

I hope you all enjoyed the alliteration of that title. 

Swapping drunken stories is a cornerstone activity of uni students. Witnessing drunken happenings before they become stories is an activity even more celebrated. 


And they are usually met with raucous laughter, even though you know and understand that both Jenny vomming in a bush and vomit itself are disgusting. 

But you laugh anyway. 

Because it’s hilarious. But why? 

It isn’t only drunken tales that are ironically funny. Today I was told a story about a particularly unusual breakup, in which the girl called the guy into her workplace to ‘talk,’ (i.e. to dump him, I assumed,) which then somehow turned into him ‘having his way with her’ ( at her place of work,) which then somehow allowed him to create the ‘opportune moment’ whilst ‘having his way with her,’ to say the words required to terminate their relationship. 


That story is really not funny. They did the dirty at work, which is just plain feral, (I think in a change room or something, this detail was brushed over,) then the girl was rejected whilst busy experiencing (well, presumably,) an emotion far on the other end of the spectrum. Horrible. 

But when I heard it I laughed like a banshee. And I’m giggling reliving the moment when I first heard it right now. 

Think about it- it’s awkward for the person who did the stupid thing because that’s embarrassing, awkward for the people laughing because they are laughing at another’s pain, and even more awkward that these lolz are being generated from the subject matter themselves- airing out their awkward laundry for the sake of our lollage. 

(Yes, I just used the word’ lollage’. And yes, I recieve tertiary education.) 

I think it’s the raw absurdity of these awkward tales that makes people laugh. But they are absurd because humor, ( the ultimate social lubricant,) well, this brand of humor specifically is rooted ironically in awkwardness- the cryptonite of social cohesion. Hows that for a paradox? (If you want to go further with this chicken-or-the-egg game, that fact this paradox exists is also pretty awkward…) 

Well, I’d rather tell myself that at night then ‘we are all horrible people that laugh at the misery of others out of pure evil.’ 

Eh Eh Ehhh


Filed under Well this is wierd..., Why isn't this awkward?

3 responses to “Fence Sitting- Feral or Funny?

  1. Mon I don’t appreciate that you used the word ‘lollage’, I find it borderline inappropriate I think that your abbreviation-expansionism is getting out of control!!! haha no but completely agree with you, the beauty of capturing embarrassing moments is coupled by the feeling that the photo then serves no real purpose but to be buried, perhaps uncovered at a 21st, and then buried again.

  2. ginger ninja

    Dear ‘Let’s get Awkward’
    While flicking through your blog in an attempt to use ‘creative commons’ to my assessment advantage, I was reminded of an awkward moment involving the subject coordinator and myself.

    Last Tuesday night I drunkenly staggered to the men’s bathroom of a bar on campus, only to find it locked. Thinking quickly, I went around the corner to what seemed to be a CCTV blind spot. I then sprayed out four hours worth of happy hour onto that wall.

    There were still hardcore dedicated students wandering around campus at this stage, so I carefully positioned myself hunched over my member, trying to avoid spraying the bicycle I was leaning on.

    Just as I was tucking myself back in, a figure appeared over my shoulder.

    “Ah. The old corner ey?”

    I panicked, and leapt backwards thinking it was a security guard. Only the man I saw before me did not have the physique to be able to do anything…physical. His eyes widened as he saw me.

    “Well this is awkward. Lecturer and student pissing on a wall!”

    I drunkenly exclaimed. He averted eye contact and got on with business. I stood for another moment thinking of something to say, but a quick glance from him (as he was hunched over hiding his member) let me know it was time to move on.

    Back in the bar, I saw him walk in and get very close with an actual blogger (on food) who had been a guest during the net comm semester (or at least try to).

    As I was humping someone on the floor, his table stopped and stared at me and my table (and my new friend). He cheered. I cheered. He then cracked some joke in the blogger’s ear that made her giggle (“Amateur bloggers don’t know how it’s done” or something).

    It was kinda awkward, us two getting pretty drunk only hours after our final lecture. He, seeing me, and me seeing him in our most vulnerable stages.

    Anyways, back to completing my blog. (And yes, this is just a chance to let him know that I can remember and do apologize, while remaining anonymous.)

    • hahahaha oh ginger ninja. Thankyou, so very very much.
      -well done on an epic comment.
      -way to steal my thunder. and i’m relpying so i can bask in some of your wondrous awkward glory.. ( bad choice of words, ‘your wondrous awkward glory,’ )

      The anonymous thing is a good idea in theory except that he got a look at your face. And you don’t exactly keep your hair colour a secret.
      Also when you commented your email address came up…

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