Who am I?

I’m a Media student from Australia, trolling the blogsphere like the self-respecting member of Gen Y I am. This blog also doubles as a way of compensating for my lack of iphone, to give me enough technology-cred to still sit with the Gen Y-ers at lunch.

This blog started as a homework thing, hence the injections of intellect ( i hope) and the picture of the graph. But since has also become a nice shiny platform for me to talk about all things awkward.

5 responses to “Who am I?

  1. La Seductrice

    tu as ecrit beaucoup Mon!

    c’est bien, mais je pense que tu pourrais ecrire quelque chose au sujet de notre cours de francais? peut-etre?

    ou de la fete du toga?


    je n’ai pas des temps pour lire tout de ses blogs a ce moment…je devrais etudier pour mon exam d’anatomie…mais j’ai mal a tete…e je suis fatigueee…

    je vais te voir ce soir! :)))

    a tres bientot mon amour!

    je t’aime!

  2. Mark Karpinski

    Good Job,loved reading it!

    In most of your content you show maturity beyond your years, with which I am impressed. You witty and somewhat sarcastic style is quite evident throughout. The stories are well composed and well written and very clear as to the message they convey – Well done!

  3. Clovelle

    lmao. Hi Mon’s dad!

  4. Mark Karpinski

    Mon, I will miss your blog! I am not sure about the picture you posted of Ones and Zeros though; I think I saw a 2 in there somewhere!

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